Kamis, 07 April 2016

Banking services

I may not be too much to know about banking services, but banking services so important because banking services can attract customers to join the bank. if the bank has bad services then the bank will get a lot of complaints and his subscriber will get out of the bank.

sorry if my posting is bad

2 komentar:

  1. Hello Ricky...

    In your opinion, how is the banking service in this city?
    Is it good enough?

    My suggestions for your writing:
    1. Use "has" for singular subject not "have"
    -if the bank have bad services (incorrect)
    -if the bank has bad services (correct)
    2. Add more explanation and real example will make your writing better.

    Keep it up your good work. I wait for your revision!

    1. I think is good, cause the bank's services in the city has a very fast response and the relationship from employee to costumer is good
