Sabtu, 07 Mei 2016

The Influence of Advertising

hello today I will tell about the influence of advertising
the influence of advertising has negative consequences and impacts Good, so first ill say good impact, you will know information a product, create buying interest of society, and establishing trust in the specific brand.
and negative Impact such as deceptive ads, not all manufacturers are honest about their products and services, you know advertising about smoke it so danger. why? cause many kids curious with taste of smoke and that make them addiction and them will not stop smoke cause them fell like bad boys so people afraid of them.

you know advertising so important for a product and company will pay dearly for their advertising, them don't care with negative impact from that advertising. so i'll give suggestion if advertising for adult show at mid night so i think only that thanks for visit to my blog see ya

Cars and loan

hello today I'll tell about cars and loan
loan is so important in our live. why? if we don't have money for business, we can borrow to another people or you can borrow with bank. so I think borrow is good if not excessive and you can pay that.
and I will say about cars too cars is not a fixed assets, cars prices will drop after you use that and you cant invest cars, but you can make cars for business like rental cars, travel, services shuttle, and others. yeah... I think only that so thank you for visit to my blog see ya.